- Tablature for Thumbs
on One String
- Blackbird (The Beatles)
- © 2006 android originals
- This is the short version, illustrating all the fret-notes.
Find an original to get all of the verses and repeated phrases.
The two 10-fret notes on the first line are easier if played
on a lower fret on a higher note string.
Black3 bird3 sing3 ing3 in3 the3 dead3 of10 night10
Take7 these3 bro5 ken3 wings8 and7 learn8 to10 fly7
All5 your7 life3 you3 were3 on3 ly5 wait7
ting5 for3 this9 mo5 ment3 to7 a5 rise3
Black8-slide-bird3 fly3 Black8-slide-bird3 fly3
In7 to8 the9 light10 of9 the7 dark5 black7 night5
- © 2006 don baker dba android originals LC